January full of blessings

The past month (January) was full of things to do and along with that came blessings! We started off the month getting right into some teacher training. Josh led three weekends (on both Saturdays and Sundays) of training for the people involved in the Saturday Kid’s club ministry and the Sunday morning Children’s Sunday School ministry. It was a great three weeks of learning about preparing lessons, classroom control, faithfulness in the Lord’s service, etc. During these training sessions we went out into the streets and did many hours worth of canvassing in the neighborhood. We focussed on three streets directly behind the church. During that time we discovered that practically noone has assurance of salvation and they are very confused. A couple of people professed faith in Christ after being presented with the Gospel. Pray for these decisions to be genuine and that they will seek to be grounded in the local church.

Then, the month ended with a 3-day VBS. Melissa helped out in the craft time. Many of the older teen girls were involved in the planning and executing of the VBS which was a blessing. Melissa was able to present the Gospel to a group of kids one day, of which 6 professed faith in Christ. Praise the Lord!

Included in all of this were many trips to the Cartório (place to get legalized copies of documents, etc) for necessary business for our Permenant VISA paperwork. We also made 3 trips to the Federal Police and were able to turn in our paperwork, applying for Permanent VISAS. Now we wait, and wait, and wait…! Please pray that the process is approved quickly. After approval we will wait again for our actual permanent ID cards to come out. It is a process that really is a case by case basis. Some missionaries get their ID cards within 6 months. Others wait for more than 2 years. So we are praying for the 6 month deal but there is no way to know. Even the governement can’t give you an answer.

Thanks for your prayers! We appreciate you all.

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