Taco Night!

Not only did Melissa host the ladies tea in our home yesterday but we also had a young engaged couple over for dinner. It was planned for last week but didn’t work out. The guy is on vacation so we wanted to take advantage of him being off from work to have dinner together. We served…TACOS! Most of the time we can get tortilla shells (soft) here, which is a treat for us. Our families send packets of taco seasoning mix and we make homemade sour cream, plus all the other toppings. The refried beans are easy (Ha!). Anyway, the couple loved the tacos. It was a first for them and they were excited to go home and tell their parents about the them. Then we finished off the carrot cake that Melissa had made for the ladies tea and also served Pumpkin spice coffee (thanks to Melissa’s mom!). They loved the coffee as well. Coffee is no stranger in Brazil, but flavored coffee isn’t a normal option. It was fun introducing some of the things that we enjoy to them. We had a great time of fellowship with them, some great conversation about their future as a married couple, and evenutally as parents. It’s encouraging to be around young christian couples who are serious about the Lord and having a godly relationship, family and home. You never know the impact you can make on people just by having dinner with them. Every opportunity can be one to minister in some way.

Wilian loading up his taco

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